Endless running

In an endless runner game, the player controls an avatar that keeps moving, whilst trying to avoid obstacles, generally making jumps and attempting to survive for as long as possible. The longer the player lives, the more successful they have been. With my idea I wanted to create a endless runner through space, where dodging meteor is crucial and enemies are right around the corner.


Our Proposal

Endless runners are a well-explored genre in both the mobile and traditional gaming sectors. There are versions dated as far back as the early 1980’s. In its simplest form they can be considered: “Games where the player is continually running”. Your version of should contain (at minimum) the following elements:

  • A start menu and game over screen
  • A high score table, persistent over playthroughs
  • Procedural level generation (you will need to research this)

Project Details

Date: Dec 10, 2017

Author: Benji Campbell

Categories: Endless Runner

Tagged: Endless Runner, Game, Development


Benji is a game developer with multidisciplinary skillset, including: C++, C#, Unity, Unreal Engine, Apple Developer, Direct X and more, contact me for more detail!


Bristol, United Kingdom.

Email: [email protected]